

This is a story about a family coming to see us in the island, they have been a blessing to us, they give special meaning by just living awhile with us
How their kids (2 daugther) can play together with all the orphanage kids, your good works shall not in vain my friend!....sometime we need to go to remote area to mission field with our kids in our vacation time besides going abroad
                                                            with my friend in GENASI
                                              Grace (in yellow) share happiness with the kids
Even they pray for each of the kids!
tidak lupa mereka bertamasya ke telukdalam dan ke desa Bawomataluo utk melihat 'lompat batu'

Going to the Bawomataluo village to see stone jumping

Thank you my friend for your special time visiting us in the island, you have blessed us alot!
we will wait for another episode with you and other friends !!!


Our great joy for our orphanage kids when their dream come true, they want to play in the beach !, it has happen now  (31 Agustus 2011)the happiness already shown when they preparing to go by the food they bring, when they sit in the 'becak' waiting to be sent to the museum, besides the museum there are the small zoo and beach

                    When thye leave the orphange heading to Museum
This is the picture before they jump in the water and catch the fish, imagine what they catch my friend
they caught :

It is time fot he kids to learn about the animal in the island (playing and drawing/sketch the animal )
The kids also learn about their culture, how to make them love their culture while still inline with the value from the kingdom of God
and at last going back together to the orphanage
This is the picture taken before they go back.... sayonara !!!
The moment they can't forget... see you again in another story!


We can see many people need help, they need good nutrition, they need good care but who shall I SENT said the Lord, here I am my Lord, send me.......

We want to take them and feed them, the poorest people among us, but we haven't got power to do it (workers) to make it happen, but we continue praying that somebody will have burden together with us doing this, for the time being we have works to do now, raising the orphanage kids, managing 2 kindergarden with 3 teachers and 3 workers

We are praying that we can buy a piece of land to do farming together with our kids, this will train them live skills, we can supply our own vegetables and meat for our orphanage.
We are also struggling and praying that God provide a car so we can bring the kids to school (for now they walked to school), so we can help the people in this island better.


The kids entering the holidays, we are looking for teacher to help them in learing, everyday from 15.00-17.00, we add another 2 hours learing time in the morning during holidays (from 9.00-11.00), for the kids to catch up with the school subject, also to teach them discipline even during holiday, one of the kids have first rank in her class (Lina) which improve from last year (2nd rank in the class) and there is a boy which also improve from rank 6 to rank 5 this year

The smaller kids are learning alphabet and numbers, some of them can read, maybe we are the smallest and simplest orphanage wich run by us (Nias outsider) but .we a sure that we give good nutrition, milk, vegetables and eggs

 We just recieve a new kids (Niwa) which was intelligent from remote area in the Island 
our hope is that this kid will be a obedient, discipline and loving good with good character

Senta, Niwa and her Father

In  May & June we also very bussy building a Kindergarden near our orphanage because we live in slum area which many of tricycle rider (tukang becak) and stone man (building house workers) and even beggars can send their kids to our kindergarden, our own orphanage kids also can have a good school around, please pray for us to be able to finish the Kindergarden in HIS TIME
  this is the land which the Kindergarden will stand here